Outstanding professional of color award recipients |
This award is presented to an outstanding professional of color who has contributed to the Association and the profession. This person has demonstrated service to NEACUHO and the profession through service to the Association and/or their home institution. Additional preferences will be given to the following service to the Association: contributions to the advancement of professionals of color in leadership in NEACUHO; previous service or involvement in the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion committee; served as a faculty member at an Association sponsored Institute (ie. RELI, NHTI) or completion of projects or policy statements that address issues for professionals of color. AND/OR This person has demonstrated contribution to the housing profession. The following are examples of contributions to the housing profession: actively participated at their home institution as an advocate for professionals of color; presented at local, regional, national or international conferences; published scholarship in relation to the housing profession, identity or related issues; service as an active role model for professionals of color in the housing profession, or service to NEACUHO including committee work and elected/appointed leadership. AND The award recipient much be a member of NEACUHO in active or emeritus status. |
2024 Sharnae Dillard-Parish Pace University, New York City |
2023 Not Awarded -- | 2022 James Walker |
| 2020Myra McPhee Sarah Lawrence College |